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First time working for a temp agency?

Finding an agency

Most often you can easily find agencies in your area by performing a few searches online. You will likely find agencies advertising in your local newspaper, billboards, job listing sites, and career sites like Indeed, Snag A Job, and career builder just to name a few. But what separates a good agency from a bad one. Should you read reviews or ask your friends? Ultimately keep your main goal in mind and narrow your search by find agencies that hire for an area of interest. Typically, you can find multiple types of agencies in your area hiring for office & clinical jobs, warehouse jobs, distribution jobs, industrial jobs, and same day labor jobs. We suggest you find an agency that can devote the time and resources needed to helping you find long term employment. Find an agency that stands out from the rest and check out their website or give them a call.


Once you have found an agency that offers jobs you’re interested in the next step is putting in your application. Most agencies will have access to apply on their websites. You can usually expect their application process to be fast and efficient.  After all, they are experts in hiring!

Call them!

Upon completing your application don’t stop there! Call the agency and let them know you finished your application and that your interested. This will show your future employer your dedication and eagerness to begin working. This step may be the little bump you need to stick out above the other applicants. Talking with a recruiter will also help you eliminate any fear you may have about working with the agency. If something feels off about the whole thing look for another agency or give a week on your first assignment.

Working for a staffing agency is a great opportunity for you to get insights in to a potential career path and gain valuable experience for your future. Overall you need a job and what better way to try different things out than with a temp agency. If you’re interested in learning how to increase your chances of getting a full-time job with a temp agency checkout our insights page.

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